BSmart Interior Team Building

RICO group – BSmart interior always focuses on building a friendly, collaborative and cohesive working environment for all employees in the company. Therefore, team building activities are always given special attention by the leadership team. As usual, this year RICO Group members enjoyed a relaxing trip to Hidden Charm Resort in Ninh Binh from March 3rd to March 5th, 2019. With the message “RICO – Reaching beyond continents” prominently displayed on the stage background, RICO Group demonstrated their high determination and burning passion for work.

After days of stressful work in the office, the members were able to relax in the natural surroundings of the high-end resort, participate in sports activities, dance together, hand in hand run around the bonfire, and enjoy fine dining.

This is the time when all the pressures are released, and new energy is regenerated for the members of the RICO Group family to work more effectively and enthusiastically. Always promoting the spirit of “Work hard – Play hard,” team building activities always bring lively forms of entertainment, providing moments of relaxation and enhancing team spirit. The program is not only a simple form of entertainment, but also a new experience with activities that require creativity, agility, and unity, which is extremely effective in improving team morale.

The team building program has achieved the goal of creating a friendly and enjoyable environment to bring people closer together, as well as creating memorable and cherished moments. It is hoped that the activities in the upcoming team building will help employees have more energy to work and strive for the common goal of Rico Import-Export Joint Stock Company. Here are some other pictures of the company’s team building activities during the recent spring trip:

Fruit, caramel, and sweet cakes… refreshing and sweet desserts.

The look in boss Binh’s eyes when he sets his sights on the food.

Technical team singing and cheering loudly

RICO is always burning with the desire to work and contribute, blazing like the fire of that camp.