Happy Men’s Day 2022

Happy Men’s Day 2022

It is rare to have a day in the year dedicated to honoring men. November 19th, Men’s Day, is a new term for the majority of Vietnamese people. However, at BSmart, where every member is valued and considered family, this day has become a beautiful commemoration in the hearts of every BSmart man, as they are showered with the best of everything.

This year, in 2022, the celebration was no longer held in the cozy office environment. Instead, the gentlemen had the freedom to explore the vast space outside the city. In the wonderful late autumn weather, there were games, music festivals, and barbecues. Everything came together to create an unforgettable anniversary for all the men. And perhaps the most impressive moment was the performance of the song “Thank you, my love” by the top-notch 5-star choir named WOMAN’S BSmart.

Thank you to all the ladies for creating wonderful memories during these special days dedicated to the BSmart men!